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Bird Watching Tours

9 Day Australian Outback Birdwatching Tour, Darwin (NT) to Mount Isa (QLD)

Day by Day Itinerary

Contact Us For Full itinerary

Tour Inclusions & Exclusions

1 Experienced and professional award-winning bird guide and tour operation from NT Bird Specialists

Excellence in guiding skill and local natural history knowledge

Small groups (5-8) or private groups tours

9 nights ensuite air-conditioned accommodation

All meals (breakfast, lunch dinner) *please notify us of allergies at time of booking

Cool water, tea and coffee

Hotel pick up and drop off

And more…

Food/drinks/alcoholic beverages not stated on the itinerary

Evening meal drinks (incl. Alcoholic beverages)

Excess baggage and activities

Personal shopping


Anything not specified in your itinerary are excluded from the price of the tour

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NT Bird Specialists’ Scheduled Departures 2018
Tour DateDurationTour InterestTour NameGroup SizeAvailabilityPrice From (AUD)
6 Jan - 31 Dec
VariousAllNews Groups or Private Tour AvailabilityOpen a new group tour or book private options. NEW DATES AVAILABLE.1-8 GuestsYESEnquire now
1 Jan - 31 Dec
10-16 DaysBirdwatching, Wildlife & CulturePrivate Sri Lanka Birding, Wildlife & Cultural ToursSeek Sri Lanka's 'Big Five', as well as 34 endemic birds & up to 8 World Heritage sites in Sri Lanka1-10 GuestsYESFully accommodated with all meals & toursEnquireSingle Supplement TBA
6 - 20
15 DaysBirdwatching & WildlifeSri Lanka Birding and Wildlife TourSeek Sri Lanka's 34 endemic birds as well as the 'Big 5' on our tropical birding tour plus wildlife of Sri Lanka6-11 GuestsYESFully ensuited lodging with all meals & tours$12,250Single Supplement $1,950
29 Apr - 3 May
5 daysBirding, Endemic Birds & Wildlife, Mammals, Aboriginal Rock Art5 Day Kakadu Top End Birding, Wildlife & Nature TourExplore Aboriginal rock art sites home to endemic species. Cruise Ramsar-listed waterways to view & photograph abundant bird and reptile-life in lily-covered wetlands.5-8 GuestsYESEnsuite (twin share)$4,249Single Supplement$599
10 - 10
1 dayBirdwatching / Photography tour 1 Day Darwin Birdwatching Tour 'Sticky Beak'Seek Rainbow Pitta, Rufous Owl and other Darwin favourites on our 1 day tour3-8 GuestsYESPer guest (group)$369
10 - 17
8 Day
7 Night
Photography tour 8 Day Tropical Outback Bird Photography TourGouldian Finch, Star Finch, Pictorella Mannikin, Purple-crowned Fairywren, Cockatiel, Little Kingfisher, Rainbow Pitta, Budgerigar, Hooded Parrot4-7 GuestsYESEnsuite (twin share)$7,495Single supplement $995
18 - 18
1 dayBirdwatching / Photography tour 1 Day Darwin Birdwatching Tour 'Sticky Beak'Seek Rainbow Pitta, Rufous Owl and other Darwin favourites on our 1 day tour3-8 GuestsYESJoins 8 Day Photo Tour 10-17 May 25Per guest (group)$369
27 - 27
1 dayBirdwatching / Photography tour 1 Day FOGG Dam Birdwatching/Photography Tour 'Sticky Beak'Seek Rainbow Pitta, Rufous Owl and other wetland & monsoon favourites on our 1 dayFogg Dam tour3-8 GuestsYESPer guest (group)$369
9 - 9
1 dayBirdwatching / Photography tour 1 Day Darwin Birdwatching Tour 'Sticky Beak'Seek Rainbow Pitta, Rufous Owl and other Darwin favourites on our 1 day tour3-8 GuestsYES*Joins 8 Day TourPer guest (group)$369Private Tour (1-2 guests)$1,250Additional guests $195
10 - 17
8 Day
7 Night
Photography tour 8 Day Tropical Outback Bird Photography TourGouldian Finch, Star Finch, Pictorella Mannikin, Purple-crowned Fairywren, Cockatiel, Little Kingfisher, Rainbow Pitta, Budgerigar, Hooded Parrot4-7 GuestsYES*Joins 1 day tourEnsuite (twin share)$7,495Single supplement $995
19 - 23
5 daysBirding, Endemic Birds & Wildlife, Mammals, Aboriginal Rock Art5 Day Kakadu Top End Birding, Wildlife & Nature TourExplore Aboriginal rock art sites home to endemic species. Cruise Ramsar-listed waterways to view & photograph abundant bird and reptile-life in lily-covered wetlands.5-8 GuestsYESEnsuite (twin share)$4,249Single Supplement$599
4 - 6
2025 *3 Day Tour*
3 daysBirding, Nature, Culture3 Day Birding, Nature and Kakadu Culture Tour 4-6 July 2025Single guest looking for others to join. Enquire for details.1-8 GuestsYESEnquire now
11 - 11
1 dayBirdwatching / Photography tour 1 Day Darwin Birdwatching Tour 'Sticky Beak'Seek Rainbow Pitta, Rufous Owl and other Darwin favourites on our 1 day tour3-8 GuestsYESPer guest (group)$369
22 - 31
2025 *Guaranteed Departure*
10 Day
9 Night
Birdwatching tour 10 Day Ultimate Top End Birding Adventure TourLake Argyle, Kakadu, Darwin: Red Goshawk, Yellow Chat, Spinifex Pigeon, Star Finch, Gouldian Finch, Hooded Parrot *Starts Darwin, Ends Kununurra6-10 GuestsYESEnsuite (twin share)$8,449Single Supplement $1,299
1 - 5
5 daysBirding, Endemic Birds & Wildlife, Mammals, Aboriginal Rock Art5 Day Kakadu Top End Birding, Wildlife & Nature TourExplore Aboriginal rock art sites home to endemic species. Cruise Ramsar-listed waterways to view & photograph abundant bird and reptile-life in lily-covered wetlands.5-8 GuestsYESEnsuite (twin share)$4,249Single Supplement$599
5 - 24
2025 *Guaranteed Departure*
20 Day
20 Nights
Birdwatching tour 20 Night Australian Finch Frenzy & Outback Birding Linked Tour 2025Gouldian Finch, Star Finch, Purple-crowned Fairywren, Red Goshawk, Little Kingfisher, Carpentarian Grasswren, Kalkadoon Grasswren, Dusky Grasswren, Grey Falcon5-8 GuestsYES7 Day Australian Finch Frenzy Tour + 9 Day Darwin to Mount Isa Birding Tour Extension + pre/post-tour hotelsEnsuite (twin share)$16,970
7 - 13
2025 *Guaranteed Departure*
7 Day
6 Night
Birdwatching tour 7 Day Australian Finch Frenzy TourGouldian Finch, Star Finch, Pictorella Mannikin, Purple-crowned Fairywren, Red Goshawk, Little Kingfisher, Rainbow Pitta5-10 GuestsYES*Joins 9 Day Outback Birding TourEnsuite (twin share)$5,999Single supplement $899
11 - 15
5 daysBirding, Endemic Birds & Wildlife, Mammals, Aboriginal Rock Art5 Day Kakadu Top End Birding, Wildlife & Nature TourExplore Aboriginal rock art sites home to endemic species. Cruise Ramsar-listed waterways to view & photograph abundant bird and reptile-life in lily-covered wetlands.5-8 GuestsYESEnsuite (twin share)$4,249Single Supplement$599
16 - 24
2025 *Guaranteed Departure*
9 NightsBirding, Bird Photography9 Day Outback Birding Darwin to Mount IsaKalkadoon, Dusky & Carpentarian Grasswren, Grey Falcon, Spotted Bowerbird5-8 GuestsYES*Joins 7 Day Finch Frenzy TourEnsuite (twin share)$8,795Single supplement $1,175
1 - 5
5 daysBirding, Endemic Birds & Wildlife, Mammals, Aboriginal Rock Art5 Day Kakadu Top End Birding, Wildlife & Nature TourExplore Aboriginal rock art sites home to endemic species. Cruise Ramsar-listed waterways to view & photograph abundant bird and reptile-life in lily-covered wetlands.5-8 GuestsYESEnsuite (twin share)$4,249Single Supplement$599
24 - 28
Half daysBirding, Bird PhotographyKakadu Bird Week 2025 birding, bird photography tours & activitiesVarious half day Kakadu birdwatching tours, birdwatching cruises & presentations by Luke Paterson1-14 GuestsYESHalf day tours & ActivitiesCruisesPrivate chartersOnline virtual tours
10 - 25
16 DaysBirding & WildlifeBorneo Birding & Wildlife EcoTour (Sabah & Sarawak Malaysia) 2025Bornean Bristlehead, Whitehead's Trio, 8 Hornbills, Pittas, Trogans, Lowland & Montane Endemics, Bornean Orangutan, Proboscis Monkey, Gunung Mulu NP, Danum Valley, Kinabatangan, Mount Kinabalu, Tabin Wildlife Reserve, Sepilok7-10 GuestsYESEnsuite (Twin share)$15,750Single Supplement (pending no. nights)$1,795 - $2,799
5 - 21
2025 *Guaranteed Departure*
17 Day
16 Night
Birdwatching tour 17 Day Ultimate Top End -East Kimberley Birding Adventure Tour Extension & HotelsDarwin, Kakadu, Lake Argyle, East Kimberley, Wyndham, Kununurra: Kakadu endemics, Rainbow Pitta, Chestnut Rail, Yellow Chat, Spinifex Pigeon, Star Finch, Gouldian Finch, Hooded Parrot *Starts Darwin, Ends Kununurra5-10 GuestsYES*Or book individual legs of this extended packageEnsuite (twin share)$13,865Plus single supplement
7 - 7
1 dayBirdwatching / Photography tour 1 Day Darwin Birdwatching Tour 'Sticky Beak'Seek Rainbow Pitta, Rufous Owl and other Darwin favourites on our 1 day tour3-10 GuestsYESJoins 10 + 4 Day Extension 8-21 Nov 25Per guest (group)$369
8 - 17
2025 *Guaranteed Departure*
10 Day
9 Night
Birdwatching tour 10 Day Ultimate Top End Birding Adventure TourLake Argyle, Kakadu, Darwin: Red Goshawk, Yellow Chat, Spinifex Pigeon, Star Finch, Gouldian Finch, Hooded Parrot *Starts Darwin, Ends Kununurra6-10 GuestsYESJoins 4 night Extension 7 & 18-21 Nov 25Ensuite (twin share)$8,749Single Supplement $1,399
17 - 21
2025 *Guaranteed Departure*
4 daysBirdwatching / Photography tour East Kimberley Birdwatching/Photography TourSeek sandstone and wetland species amongst boab-clad landscapes4-10 GuestsYESJoins 10 + 1 Day Extension 7-17 Nov 25Per guest (twinshare)$3,199